[21:33] 9:31 PM [Alex(AlexBennet@user-33qto81.dialup.mindspring.com)] Hi Sylvia [21:33] 9:31 PM [Alex(AlexBennet@user-33qto81.dialup.mindspring.com)] How are you [21:33] 9:31 PM [msg(alex)] I'm ok [21:33] 9:31 PM [msg(alex)] I already said that [21:33] 9:31 PM [msg(alex)] how are you? [21:33] 9:33 PM [Alex(AlexBennet@user-33qto81.dialup.mindspring.com)] Hi Sylvia [21:33] 9:33 PM [msg(alex)] hi [21:33] 9:33 PM [msg(alex)] hi hi hi [21:33] 9:33 PM [msg(alex)] you keep saying hi [21:33] hehe [21:33] 9:33 PM [msg(alex)] and then you leave me to go back to the main chan [21:33] 9:33 PM alex: No such nick/channel [21:33] 9:34 PM [msg(alex)] you did it again [21:33] rofl [21:33] 9:34 PM [Alex(AlexBennet@user-33qto81.dialup.mindspring.com)] just for you! [21:33] 9:34 PM [msg(alex)] you still haven't answered my question [21:33] 9:35 PM [msg(alex)] how are you? [21:36] the words every male loser wants to hear: "I'm lonely" [21:36] except these losers, I guess [21:36] what're you guys up to? [21:36] actually I am talking to a friend of mine from a while back [21:37] lb is caught up with something or the other [21:37] heh [21:37] rev's friends is barely restraining herself from asking if she can ride my cock [21:37] haha [21:37] ueven though i'm 4 years younger than her [21:37] so how long have you been "anne marie" for? [21:37] just today [21:38] it was the first thing that came to mind [21:38] sorry [21:38] homesteading the noosphere [21:38] I rock :) [21:38] rofl [21:38] that is such a great phrase [21:38] hahaah [21:39] I just realized I have four stories visible on the front page of k5 [21:39] two front page, two visible sidebar [21:40] rev, wanna get some bi love going? [21:40] (btw, h.t.n. was a phrase that I picked up from ESR) [21:41] so it might cause baldness [21:41] cp soon very son [21:41] wtf is a noosphere supposed to be anyway? [21:41] the realm of ideaspace [21:42] stratosphere, ionosphere, noosphere [21:42] next you'll ask me what a noo is... [21:42] which I'll politely ignore [21:42] ideaspace? what kind of fruity new-age healing crystal tarot card crap is that? [21:43] the phrase means I've got mindshare [21:43] *¹* Jelerial [l337@] has joined #trolls [21:43] heh, one mod point left [21:43] cmk's troll post [21:44] oooh oooh, chuck flynn [21:44] karma whore [21:44] always was and always will be [21:45] nothing wrong with it either [21:45] yeah i saw her pictures [21:45] rev, read that here, i'm too lazy to remsg that. [21:48] ok [21:48] can't you wuery on unix? [21:48] "yellowish hair, brown tinges" [21:48] anyone know what that spells? [21:48] YHBT! [21:48] Ý cp/#trolls kisses lb [21:49] you win [21:49] heh [21:49] cp rofl [21:49] "nick=bigdick"? wtf? [21:50] cp that's the guy you should go for [21:51] who is he? [21:52] no idea [21:52] but his nick says it all [21:52] what more does a woman need to know? [21:54] damn it, I can type too fast for these idiots [21:56] 9:54 PM *** Starting conversation with sexymale [21:56] 9:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] can you see this? [21:56] 9:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes [21:56] 9:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I was having trouble with alex before [21:56] 9:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] but I think he's dumb and couldn't use his client right [21:56] 9:55 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] no trouble with me [21:56] 9:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] that's what I want to hear [21:56] 9:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] are you really sexy? [21:56] 9:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] or is that just your name? [21:56] 9:55 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes, what about you [21:56] 9:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like to think so [21:56] 9:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are you married [21:56] 9:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] no [21:56] 9:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] you? [21:56] 9:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] no [21:56] 9:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] some of my friends are married [21:56] 9:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] but that usually gets sticky [21:56] 9:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] have a boyfriend [21:56] 9:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] not at the moment [21:56] 9:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] on the rebound, a bit [21:56] 9:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] but that was a while ago [21:56] 9:57 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ever had a 3some [21:56] 9:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] once, but my memory's a bit fuzzy [21:56] 9:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] we were on a lot of stuff at the time [21:56] 9:57 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what odds [21:56] 9:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] or was it a 4-some? [21:56] 9:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] no, I think 3 [21:57] rofl [21:58] brb [21:59] 9:59 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what do you look like [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] like I said, my hair's yellowish brownish [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] brown eyes [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] small nose [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] medium bust [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] couple tatoos [21:59] 10:00 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] pussy [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] you? [21:59] 10:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] yeah, I have one [22:00] I crack myself up [22:00] that's awesome [22:01] isn't this more fun then hanging out here doin nothin? [22:01] :) [22:01] heh [22:01] normally I'm playing with /. and k5 [22:01] hey did you write anything for the evolutiuon piece yet? [22:01] *¹* SignOff Jelerial: #trolls (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [22:02] yeah, some [22:02] cool [22:03] 10:04 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] 6 footblack hair blue eyes muscular build an of course a humongous dick [22:03] oh of course [22:03] me too [22:03] :) [22:03] i have a 14 inch dick. [22:03] heh [22:04] BTW lb this is much more fun when you are drunk [22:04] no, seriously. [22:04] are you drunk right now? [22:04] 10:05 PM [msg(sexymale)] how do you have blue eyes and black hair? I've never met anyone like that [22:04] 10:05 PM [msg(sexymale)] sounds mysterious [22:04] 10:05 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i was born that way [22:04] 10:05 PM [msg(sexymale)] of course, silly [22:04] 10:06 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i don't know how [22:04] won't she be disappointed to find out how fat I am. [22:04] hahahah! [22:05] bwahaha [22:05] i think she thinks i'm a knight in shining armor [22:06] she's like that, and then she complains about guys for a while, and then she moves on to new ones [22:06] I'm goingn for the kill [22:08] cp is getting pics of peoples cocks, i just know it [22:08] bwahaha [22:08] no surprise there [22:08] 0:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like to be lifted up and carried around [22:08] 10:07 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] while being fucked? [22:08] 10:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] sometimes I like to have sex without ever touching the bed [22:08] 10:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] yeah [22:08] 10:07 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] sounds exciting [22:08] 10:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] sometimes the neighbors don't like it [22:08] 10:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] but that's part of the fun [22:08] 10:07 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] so what [22:08] 10:08 PM [msg(sexymale)] that's what I say [22:08] 10:08 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] screw the neighbors [22:08] 10:08 PM [msg(sexymale)] but most of all, I have this secret fantasy [22:09] 10:08 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what [22:09] 10:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] sometimes I fantasize about getting really still [22:09] 10:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] and pretending I'm a statue [22:09] 10:09 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and [22:09] 10:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] a statue that can feel but not speak or fight back [22:09] 10:09 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and [22:09] 10:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] naked [22:09] 10:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] it makes me hot just thinking about it [22:09] 10:09 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on baby [22:09] 10:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] come on what? [22:09] 10:10 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] tell me mors [22:09] 10:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh, ok [22:09] LMAO [22:11] 10:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh, ok [22:11] 10:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] naked and petrified [22:11] 10:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] it's probably dumb [22:11] 10:11 PM [msg(sexymale)] but I like it [22:11] 10:11 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like it when I'm done but not doing [22:11] 10:11 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] do you fuck on first dates [22:11] 10:11 PM [msg(sexymale)] usually the second [22:11] 10:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like to size people up the first [22:11] 10:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] see if they can keep up [22:11] 10:12 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are u a us citizen [22:11] 10:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] but sometimes the first bleeds into the second if it's long enough [22:11] 10:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] yeah [22:12] wtf? [22:12] what kind of question is that? [22:12] dunno [22:13] he's launched into asking me where I live [22:13] he's in georgia [22:13] because he wants to come over and do you! [22:14] I have friends in atlanta, apparently [22:14] I never knew that [22:14] heh [22:16] 10:16 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes i like your fantasy but ive never done it [22:16] 10:16 PM [msg(sexymale)] it's probably hard to do on IRC [22:17] 10:17 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes [22:17] 10:17 PM [msg(sexymale)] I wish I could find someone to chisel me [22:17] 10:17 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i will gladly [22:17] 10:17 PM [msg(sexymale)] help me burst out of this repressed self and become something more real [22:17] 10:17 PM [msg(sexymale)] something more exciting [22:17] 10:17 PM [msg(sexymale)] do you look like steven sondheim? [22:17] 10:18 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i will fuck your brains out [22:17] 10:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] my last buddy looked like him [22:17] 10:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] that turned me on [22:17] 10:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] your face, I mean [22:17] 10:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] sondheim wasn't 6ft tall [22:17] REVERAND IS WHITE TRASH [22:18] 10:18 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] is that bad [22:18] 10:19 PM [msg(sexymale)] I just liked his face [22:18] 10:19 PM [msg(sexymale)] it was really sweet [22:18] 10:19 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what about me [22:18] 10:19 PM [msg(sexymale)] someone to love me and fuck me at the same time [22:18] 10:19 PM [msg(sexymale)] 6ft is good [22:18] 10:19 PM [msg(sexymale)] the better to hold me with [22:18] this guy's a real moron [22:19] of course they are [22:19] for one thing, he's probably typing with one hand [22:19] that'd be why he's so slow [22:21] 10:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are you alone [22:21] 10:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] except for the neighbors [22:21] 10:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] do they atract you [22:21] 10:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] you? [22:21] 10:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] all alone [22:21] 10:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] yeah, there's this really hot gradstudent next door [22:21] 10:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] m or f [22:21] 10:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] and an english teacher across the hall [22:21] 10:22 PM [msg(sexymale)] I think they like each other [22:21] 10:22 PM [msg(sexymale)] but I don't think I could get in with them [22:21] 10:22 PM [msg(sexymale)] three women is a crowd, you know? [22:21] 10:22 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you can get me anytime [22:23] *¹* Litui [litui@h24-66-218-95.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #trolls [22:23] it's slow coming right now [22:23] cp pick up the pace [22:24] 10:23 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you and your two neighbors [22:24] 10:23 PM [msg(sexymale)] I don't know whether they like men [22:24] 10:23 PM [msg(sexymale)] you used to tell with lesbians, but now they all have long hair [22:24] 10:24 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] that could be eaisly changed [22:24] 10:24 PM [msg(sexymale)] they're really hot, though [22:24] 10:24 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] but i won't you the most [22:24] 10:24 PM [msg(sexymale)] sometimes I see them when they leave the door open [22:24] 10:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're supposed to close the door between the rooms, but they don't always [22:24] 10:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] and I don't mind [22:24] 10:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] (it's a converted motel, now apartments) [22:24] 10:25 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i wish i were there to fuck you tonight [22:24] 0:26 PM [msg(sexymale)] what would you do with me? [22:24] 10:26 PM [msg(sexymale)] describe it [22:24] hi litui [22:24] hey [22:25] whosayou? [22:25] jesus2 [22:25] ah [22:25] jesus loves me. [22:25] or something. [22:26] 10:26 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] anything and everything [22:26] 10:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] I mean, describe it [22:26] 10:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] don't be general [22:26] 10:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] use your imagination [22:26] 10:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like imaginative men [22:26] 10:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] start by kissing your lips of course [22:26] 10:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] mmmm [22:26] hehe [22:26] 10:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then take of your shirt and suck and lick your tits [22:26] 10:28 PM [msg(sexymale)] slowly [22:26] 10:28 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes [22:26] 10:28 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like it when my shirt's taken off slowly [22:26] 10:28 PM [msg(sexymale)] it lets the cold air rich my supple breasts more gently [22:27] cp, you enjoying this? :) [22:27] it's a blast [22:27] this guy's watched too much porn [22:27] That's some pretty funny shit right there. [22:27] who hasn't watched too much porn? [22:27] [22:28] 10:29 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then i would take of your jeans and eat you out [22:28] 10:29 PM [msg(sexymale)] how are we situated? [22:28] 10:29 PM [msg(sexymale)] where are you and where am I? [22:28] try to make him describe in so much detail he doesn't have enough time to whack off [22:28] 10:30 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i am standing in your kitchen, and you are sitting on the counter [22:28] heh [22:28] uh oh...point loss for use of a 4 syllable word [22:28] :) [22:28] :) [22:29] hehe [22:29] 10:30 PM [msg(sexymale)] what are you wearing? [22:29] 10:30 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] jeans [22:29] 10:31 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and your pussy [22:29] 10:31 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] wearing it out that is [22:29] 10:31 PM [msg(sexymale)] :) [22:29] 10:31 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're so clever [22:29] 10:31 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like that [22:30] rofl [22:30] 10:31 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now your turn [22:30] *¹* gbd [gbd@cloaked.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #trolls [22:30] 10:31 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like a guy with a big brain to go with his big dick [22:30] hey, gbd [22:30] gbd! what's up bro [22:30] westside, g. [22:30] eeeeeeyaaaaaggghh am I interrupting anything? :-) [22:30] hey cp, rev :-) [22:31] gbd you are just in time for some fun [22:31] I have written a thoughtful Ask Geekizoid piece that I feel should be posted. [22:31] hahahahahaha [22:31] what fun is that? [22:31] 10:32 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i have both [22:31] you're so clever. i like that. [22:31] 10:32 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're not done yet [22:31] 10:32 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're losing me [22:31] 10:32 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what else would you like me to do [22:31] 10:32 PM [msg(sexymale)] damn [22:31] 10:32 PM [msg(sexymale)] let's start over [22:31] that's classic cp [22:31] 10:32 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok [22:31] 10:33 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ready [22:31] 10:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [22:31] heh, will do [22:32] 10:33 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i will start at the bottom [22:32] 10:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] you like to be bottom? [22:32] 10:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] I had a boyfriend who liked that [22:32] 10:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] he wanted me to take a strapon and do him [22:32] 10:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] so I did [22:32] 10:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] it made me really hot [22:32] 10:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i love eating then licking [22:32] lol [22:32] i take it this is not on slashnet [22:33] nope [22:33] if it were, the odds would be 10 to 1 on sexymale being malda [22:33] but I digress. [22:33] they are still 2 to 1 [22:33] hehehehehahahaha [22:33] touche :-) [22:33] 10:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i love eating then licking [22:33] 10:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i take off your shoes and socks [22:33] 10:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm not wearing socks [22:33] 10:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm wearing black silk stockings [22:33] 10:35 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok that makes it even better [22:34] he hasn't noticed the strapon bit [22:34] lol [22:34] maybe he's ignoring it [22:34] 10:35 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i love women wearing silk [22:34] 10:36 PM [msg(sexymale)] when do I get to use my strapon? [22:34] I won't let him [22:34] :) [22:34] hehehe [22:34] 10:36 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] any time [22:34] heh [22:34] ouch [22:34] :) [22:35] 0:36 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now i take off your jeans [22:35] 10:36 PM [msg(sexymale)] I want to make you squeal [22:35] hahah [22:35] might take a little more to scare this guy. [22:35] :) [22:35] 10:36 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are wearing any panties [22:35] Ý gbd/#trolls is masturbating furiously [22:35] "drop them britches, come on now." "come on squeaaaaaal" [22:35] "say my name, bitch!" [22:35] :) [22:35] squeal like a pig! [22:36] 10:36 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are wearing any panties [22:36] 10:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] yeah, black [22:36] 10:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] with little hello-kitty emblems [22:36] 10:37 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then i take them off [22:36] 10:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] say my name [22:36] 10:38 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ohh sylvia [22:36] 10:38 PM [msg(sexymale)] what's your name? [22:36] 10:38 PM [msg(sexymale)] your real name, I mean? [22:36] 10:38 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] stephen [22:36] hello kitty =p [22:37] "oh really? that's my name too!" [22:37] :) [22:37] 10:38 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh, stephen [22:37] 10:38 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now i like you out [22:37] 10:38 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you scream [22:37] 10:39 PM [msg(sexymale)] aaahhhhh [22:37] 10:39 PM [msg(sexymale)] wheee [22:37] 10:39 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] but still i continue [22:37] hehe [22:37] hehehe [22:38] it's not 'deb'? [22:38] erp [22:38] 10:39 PM [msg(sexymale)] you really know what you want, don't you [22:38] 10:39 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes i want you [22:38] 10:40 PM [msg(sexymale)] and I want you too, fred [22:38] 10:40 PM [msg(sexymale)] oops, I mean stephen [22:38] hehe [22:38] hehe [22:39] 10:40 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then i finger u while i slowly tak of your shirt [22:39] 10:40 PM [msg(sexymale)] how big are your fingers? [22:39] omfg...you're way too good at this. [22:39] :) [22:39] cp has some issues Litui [22:39] 10:41 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] 4.5 inches [22:39] 10:41 PM [msg(sexymale)] why are you typing so slow? [22:39] 10:41 PM [msg(sexymale)] 4.5inches wide? [22:40] you're just jealous, rev [22:40] 10:41 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and lonk too [22:40] 10:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are you wearing a bra [22:40] heh [22:40] 'k' is easier to type than 'g' if you're only using one hand [22:40] noted [22:40] Ý cp/#trolls knows [22:40] 10:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] are you wearing a bra [22:40] 10:42 PM [msg(sexymale)] no, just my nipple rings [22:40] hehe [22:40] yay devorak [22:40] :) [22:41] err...dvorak [22:41] :) [22:41] 10:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i love women who don't wear bras [22:41] I learned dvorak once upon a time, and it fucked me up [22:41] I can't transcribe from other languages anymore [22:41] I just start typing using dvorak [22:41] I learned dvorak about 17 years ago on my apple IIc [22:42] I haven't used it in ages due to school computer teachers not caring about my keyboard preference, but I learned it and was able to switch almost transparantly [22:42] 10:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now i suck [22:42] 10:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i lick [22:42] 10:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i nibble [22:42] 10:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i run my toung across you nipple ring [22:42] 10:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] oooh [22:42] 10:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] ymm [22:42] 10:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] do you like it [22:42] 10:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] EGIOJGEIOJR [22:42] 10:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] sorry, you bit too hard [22:42] 10:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] more slowly [22:42] 10:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok [22:42] I can switch bewteen qwerty and dvorak just fine [22:42] Yikes...17 years ago I was still learning english [22:42] :) [22:42] just not anything else [22:42] somebody op me [22:42] for some reason, I'm not getting op status, myself [22:43] must've changed my login [22:43] *¹* mode/#trolls [+oo cp gbd] by TheReverand [22:43] *¹* Topic (#trolls): changed by gbd: [msg(sexymale)] EGIOJGEIOJR .. sorry, you bit too hard [22:43] hehehe [22:43] thanks [22:43] that was well executed [22:43] :) [22:43] aw I'm feeling left out...give me +v at least ;) [22:43] Ý gbd/#trolls has been known to yell "EGIOJGEIOJR" from time to time as well [22:43] 10:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] do you like it [22:43] 10:44 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're not holding me enough [22:43] 10:44 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you take off my pants [22:43] 10:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] first hold me [22:43] 10:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] and tell me you love me [22:44] hahahaha [22:44] 10:45 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok i hold you ohh sylvia i love you [22:44] 10:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh ralph [22:44] 10:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] oops, stephen [22:44] hehe [22:44] 10:46 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and i continue playing tounge wars with your nipple rings [22:44] ask him if you can call him daddy [22:44] wait [22:44] uncle [22:44] uncle stephen [22:44] hehe [22:44] oh man...I'm cracking up here [22:44] will do [22:45] Litui told you this was more fun than computer chatr [22:45] chat [22:45] TheReverand: no doubt. [22:45] 10:46 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] until you can't take it any more [22:45] 10:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] can I call you daddy? [22:45] 10:46 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes [22:45] 10:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] big daddy? [22:45] 10:46 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what can i call you [22:45] 10:47 PM [msg(sexymale)] whatever you want [22:45] 10:47 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're the sculptor [22:45] 10:47 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now you take off my pants [22:45] 10:47 PM [msg(sexymale)] can I call you big daddy ralph? [22:45] 10:47 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] sure [22:45] rofl [22:46] hehe [22:46] *¹* gbd is now known as big_daddy_ralph [22:46] SUCK it, bizitch!! [22:46] 10:47 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you see that i wear no undershorts [22:46] 10:48 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh big daddy ralph [22:46] 10:48 PM [msg(sexymale)] I've been bad [22:46] 10:48 PM [msg(sexymale)] I keep feeling things [22:46] 10:48 PM [msg(sexymale)] things I've never felt before [22:46] 10:48 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now u lick u suck [22:46] Ý cp/#trolls sucks big_daddy_ralph [22:46] hehe [22:47] 10:48 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now u lick u suck [22:47] 10:48 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you do whatever you want [22:47] 10:48 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] u make me cum [22:47] 10:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] let me try to find your pecker [22:47] 10:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] where is it? [22:47] this is the reason I have never been able to have cybersex [22:47] ROFL [22:47] 10:49 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] its not hard to find [22:47] haha [22:47] omfg...lol [22:47] 10:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can't find it [22:48] 10:49 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] after all is 9 inchs long [22:48] 10:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] I think it's missing [22:48] quick, tell him you're a guy! [22:48] 10:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh no, wait [22:48] 10:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] there it is [22:48] 10:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] stop playing those mind games [22:48] 10:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] I like to make you squirm [22:48] or fuck him with a strapon first [22:48] then tell him you're a guy [22:48] "oh there it is...oh wait that's mine" [22:49] >>> Inviting Dolgan to #trolls [22:49] *¹* Dolgan [orange@cloaked.sttln1.wa.home.com] has joined #trolls [22:49] Dolgan watch this shit [22:49] ? [22:49] trust me [22:49] 10:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] no suck it hard sugarbabe [22:49] 10:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] suck it [22:49] 10:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh [22:49] 10:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh [22:49] 10:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give me more [22:49] 10:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] I pull out my handcuffs and handcuff your johnson to the counter [22:49] whatup, g? [22:49] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on baby [22:49] 10:51 PM [msg(sexymale)] I get the maple syrup and start drizzling it on it [22:49] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yeah babe [22:49] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] do it [22:49] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give me more [22:50] hi dolgan [22:50] what's new with you? [22:50] just reading some cybersex logs [22:50] dolgan irc.iwantu.com [22:50] rul3z [22:51] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] more [22:51] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ahh [22:51] 10:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ahh [22:51] 10:52 PM [msg(sexymale)] I get a matchbook and take out one match [22:51] 10:52 PM [msg(sexymale)] I take turns licking your cock and the match [22:51] 10:52 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on [22:51] 10:52 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] your making me cum [22:51] 10:52 PM [msg(sexymale)] I light your cock on fire [22:51] 0:52 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ahhh [22:51] 10:52 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on more [22:51] 10:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] more baby more [22:51] 10:53 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh no, I can't put it out [22:51] in college my neighbor and i would get on bestiality channels as "dogfucker" and "catfucker" (and sometimes "henfucker") [22:51] hmm...go burning man [22:51] lol [22:52] 10:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] suck it out [22:52] 10:53 PM [msg(sexymale)] ow, my tongue [22:52] 10:53 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're too big [22:52] you have to be pheasantplucker. [22:52] :) [22:52] or pleasantphucker [22:52] either or. People say it a few times and they're bound to hear it the latter way anyway. [22:52] 10:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] can i enter you now [22:52] 10:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] wait a minute [22:52] 10:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] let me baby please [22:52] 10:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I have to fuck you up the ass first [22:52] 10:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] it makes me hot [22:52] 10:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] my bisexuality, you know [22:52] 10:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh yeah [22:53] 10:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give me more [22:53] hah [22:54] *¹* big_daddy_ralph is now known as gbd [22:54] 10:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're so sweet [22:54] 10:55 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on baby [22:54] 10:55 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give it to me [22:54] 10:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] I say, as I push your face into the leftover rumproast from last night [22:54] 10:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] eat it, bitch [22:54] 10:55 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok baby [22:54] 10:55 PM [msg(sexymale)] (that's what I used to do with marilyn) [22:54] 10:55 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok come on baby [22:54] hehehaha [22:54] "eat it, bitch" [22:54] 10:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm fucking you [22:54] 10:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on [22:54] 10:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yeah [22:54] 10:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] it's making me want to cum [22:54] 10:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yeah [22:54] 10:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] you can fuck me, but only if you leave my strapon in you [22:54] 10:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im cuming [22:55] 10:56 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] all over your counter [22:55] 10:56 PM [msg(sexymale)] all over [22:55] 10:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] my elderly neighbor is waving at me [22:56] 10:57 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i start in your ass [22:56] 10:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] I wave back [22:56] 10:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] ooh [22:56] 10:57 PM [msg(sexymale)] isn't that a little presumptuous of you? [22:56] 10:57 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] fucking the hell out of it [22:56] Hey shawn, if I wanted your unwanted advances I would shove my cunt in your face, but that's not gonna happen [22:56] cp [22:56] you're surreal sometimes [22:56] this guy is going to feed himself a lead sandwich when he learns the truth [22:56] 10:58 PM [msg(sexymale)] *fuck* f*fuck* *fuck* [22:56] 10:58 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] while i finger yor pussy [22:56] 10:58 PM [msg(sexymale)] squeegie squeegie squeegie [22:56] 10:58 PM [msg(sexymale)] oooh [22:56] 10:58 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i continue you scream [22:56] 10:58 PM [msg(sexymale)] chicka chicka chicka [22:56] will he? [22:56] gbd [22:57] you bastard [22:57] you just made me bust up [22:57] naw :-) [22:57] and i'm still at work [22:57] sorry :-) [22:57] 10:59 PM [msg(sexymale)] on your hand? [22:57] 10:59 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] the english teacher comes in strips and starts eating u out [22:57] 10:59 PM [msg(sexymale)] I wanna come on your face [22:58] 10:59 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] go ahead [22:58] 10:59 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [22:58] 10:59 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give it too me [22:58] 10:59 PM [msg(sexymale)] *squirt* [22:58] hmm...wouldn't it be funny if he replied YHBT? :) [22:58] 10:59 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] lick [22:58] 10:59 PM [msg(sexymale)] mmmm [22:58] nah, he's not that bright [22:58] tell him you didn't think straight guys liked cum. :) [22:58] nah, not yet [22:59] 11:00 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on baby [22:59] 11:00 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i pick u up [22:59] 11:00 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok, whereto? [22:59] 11:00 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i slide my cok inside your wet pussy [22:59] 11:01 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i take u outside in the hall and fuck the hell out of you [22:59] 11:01 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're not as big as you said you were [22:59] 11:01 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can hardly feel you, I'm so wide [22:59] http://www.spies.com/triple6/stupid.html [22:59] 11:01 PM [msg(sexymale)] have you ever done fisting? [22:59] 11:01 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh yes its no al the way in [23:00] hehehe [23:00] yeah, I've seen that :) [23:00] not too bright [23:00] i've seen that [23:00] to say the least [23:00] heh [23:00] this guy's taking alot of backtalk from a skank on the net. =) [23:00] he's one himself, I guess [23:01] no doubt. [23:01] 11:02 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then you call my name [23:01] 11:02 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh big daddy ralph [23:01] 11:02 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you scream [23:01] 11:02 PM [msg(sexymale)] can I pretend you're a girl? [23:01] start hinting that you are a guy [23:01] ask him he will call you joe [23:01] I think cp's got it in hand. [23:01] :) [23:01] hehe [23:01] 1:02 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you cant control yourself [23:01] 11:03 PM [msg(sexymale)] who's controlling me? [23:01] 11:03 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] why u hve me and the teacher [23:01] 11:03 PM [msg(sexymale)] I want the gradstudent too, but she's not here [23:01] 11:03 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] me im controlling u [23:02] lol [23:02] hmm [23:02] i should go home [23:02] tootles, kids. [23:02] seeya jlb [23:02] tah, lb [23:02] 11:03 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] here she comes [23:02] 11:03 PM [msg(sexymale)] no she doesn't [23:02] 11:03 PM [msg(sexymale)] she's out of town [23:02] 11:04 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can pretend some things, but some things are too much [23:02] 11:04 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then lets just have a 3some [23:02] 11:04 PM [msg(sexymale)] because I saw her leave yesterday [23:02] 11:04 PM [msg(sexymale)] and that made me long for her [23:02] l8r g. [23:02] heh [23:02] word up to yo mama. [23:04] next time you'll have to pose as a quadrapalegic who wants to be called britney spears [23:04] later lb [23:04] 11:04 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] how much [23:04] 11:04 PM [msg(sexymale)] a lot [23:04] 11:04 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] fuck me that much [23:04] 11:05 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] scream [23:04] 11:05 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can't scream [23:04] 11:05 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm petrified [23:04] 11:05 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im driving you out of your mind [23:04] hehehe [23:04] 11:05 PM [msg(sexymale)] naked and petrified [23:04] 11:06 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you cant bear it anymore [23:04] hehehehehahahaha [23:04] wow...one sided much =) [23:04] just a bit [23:05] DOGLAN [23:05] ROFL [23:05] ? [23:06] see this chatroom is so lame, the auroops are always fucked up [23:06] Dolgan is that a scripts? [23:06] no [23:06] 11:06 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] do u want me to stop or continue [23:06] 11:06 PM [msg(sexymale)] ooooof [23:06] 11:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] where'd you go? [23:06] 11:07 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i dont care im not done with u yet [23:06] 11:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [23:06] 11:07 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im still fucking u [23:07] 11:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're so domineering [23:07] jsut typing fast [23:07] 11:07 PM [msg(sexymale)] that's why I want you to wear a skirt [23:07] 11:08 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] tell me what the teacher is doing to you [23:07] 11:08 PM [msg(sexymale)] I think it'll match your black hair [23:07] 11:08 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok [23:07] 11:08 PM [msg(sexymale)] she's speaking to me in french [23:07] 11:08 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what else [23:07] 11:08 PM [msg(sexymale)] (she also knows french) [23:07] 11:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] she's speaking to me in spanish [23:07] 11:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] (she also knows spanish) [23:07] 11:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] spanish makes me hot [23:07] 11:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] it makes me think of bullcharges in the summer [23:07] 11:09 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] where is she touching u [23:07] 11:09 PM [msg(sexymale)] all those big manbeasts charging around and goring little men [23:07] heh [23:08] leave me out of that dolgan [23:08] heh [23:08] [cp(pqpwp@cloaked.ne.mediaone.net)] where's dolgan? [23:08] is silky an ircop or something? [23:08] not that I know of [23:08] (Gloria) what's wrong with my topics? [23:08] (SILKY) i know who and what your doing i have been speaking to rev so knock it off [23:09] 11:10 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im fucking u and fingering her ass [23:09] 11:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] I thought you were fucking me up the ass with your cock [23:09] 11:10 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now she wants me to fuck her [23:09] 11:10 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can't believe you can't keep my orifices straight [23:09] DOlgan I told her I didn't know you [23:09] Dolgan: rejected. [23:10] 11:11 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] scream baby [23:10] 11:11 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i went into your pussy hours ago [23:10] 11:11 PM [msg(sexymale)] meept! [23:10] 11:11 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh, ok [23:10] 11:11 PM [msg(sexymale)] AAAAHHHHH [23:10] check out this logic: [23:10] 11:11 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] we have been fucking for twelve hours [23:10] 11:11 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] nonstop [23:10] hehehe [23:10] wow [23:10] maybe he's trying to convince his parts to get it over with so he doesn't have to suffer your wrath =p [23:10] :) [23:11] he must subsist himself on george foreman power burgers (TM) [23:11] 11:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] already? [23:11] 11:12 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes [23:11] 11:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] that's a lot [23:11] 11:12 PM [msg(sexymale)] more than a little, even [23:11] 11:12 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] time flies whenyour fucking [23:11] heh [23:11] hehehehe [23:11] lol [23:11] 11:13 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] so she moans [23:11] 11:13 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you scream [23:11] 11:13 PM [msg(sexymale)] wait a second, I thought you said you were fucking her now [23:11] 11:13 PM [msg(sexymale)] this is all very confusing [23:11] 11:13 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and im still [23:12] fucking and fingering [23:12] 11:13 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] does it matter [23:12] 11:14 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm a little jealous [23:12] 11:14 PM [msg(sexymale)] I think you love her more than me [23:12] 11:14 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] or do u want me all to ur self [23:13] aw now it's just getting dull. [23:13] 11:14 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i love u better than anything [23:13] 11:14 PM [msg(sexymale)] I give her one of my strapons and we both do you now [23:13] :) [23:13] come on cp liven it up [23:13] hmm...that should be interesting...wonder how that works...or should I ask? [23:13] :) [23:13] 11:15 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] you lead ill follow [23:13] 11:15 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're taking us both up the ass, two chicks at once [23:13] 11:15 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh yes [23:14] 11:15 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh yes [23:14] 11:15 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] moreeeeeeeeeeeeee [23:14] 11:15 PM [msg(sexymale)] say my name, bitch [23:14] 11:15 PM [msg(sexymale)] SQUEAL! [23:14] 11:15 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh sugarbabe [23:14] 11:16 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ahhh [23:14] 11:16 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh yeah [23:15] 11:16 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] your my fucking momma [23:15] 11:17 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] get it to me [23:15] 11:17 PM [msg(sexymale)] (my neighbors on the other side: a fireman and a painter) [23:15] 11:17 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i dont care about a crowd [23:16] they're laughing at his phallus [23:16] :) [23:16] 11:18 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] let me put mine back in yours please [23:16] 11:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] one of them fingers me while shooting his load down your throat [23:17] this guy's resourceful [23:17] nod [23:17] 11:18 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i want to fuck u [23:17] 11:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] I would, but they're holding onto it [23:17] 11:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] and mine's full [23:17] 11:18 PM [msg(sexymale)] beg him to let you fuck me [23:17] 11:18 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what about your ass [23:17] 11:19 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] please [23:17] 11:19 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i want her very bad [23:17] 11:19 PM [msg(sexymale)] say his name (carl) [23:17] 11:19 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ohh carl let me fuck her [23:18] OMFG [23:18] tell him good sex makes you more "Regular" than usual so you wouldn't recommend your ass anymore. [23:19] ewwww [23:19] indeed [23:19] 11:20 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im cuming all over the place [23:19] 11:20 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] please [23:19] 11:20 PM [msg(sexymale)] he pushes me aside and shoves his fist up your ass [23:19] 11:20 PM [msg(sexymale)] you fall ontop of me and stick your cock in [23:19] 11:20 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ohh [23:19] 11:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on baby lets fuck allnight long [23:19] 11:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] but wait, that's not my ass your in [23:19] 11:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] it's george's [23:19] 11:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i dont care im in u [23:20] 11:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] I straddle your face while you get fucked from both sides [23:20] 11:21 PM [msg(sexymale)] lick my twat [23:20] 11:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] lick lick [23:20] 11:21 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] baby i want you [23:20] this guy will take anything damn. [23:20] :) [23:21] 11:22 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] let me fuck u please [23:21] 11:22 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok, but only if you're good [23:21] 11:22 PM [msg(sexymale)] have you been a good boy? [23:21] 11:22 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im the best remember [23:21] 11:23 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now scream [23:21] 11:23 PM [msg(sexymale)] why do you want me to scream? [23:21] 11:23 PM [msg(sexymale)] what does that make you feel? [23:21] 11:23 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] it turns me on [23:22] heh [23:22] Dr. cp [23:22] 11:23 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] it makes me cum [23:22] at your service [23:22] no doubt [23:22] "what if I told you I'm a mute?" [23:22] :) [23:22] 11:24 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] scream bitch [23:22] 11:24 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm not a bitch [23:22] 11:24 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're the bitch, remember [23:22] 11:24 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh yeah [23:22] 11:24 PM [msg(sexymale)] if you don't behave, I'll go get my riding crop [23:23] I got rolled for change by a deaf mute yesterday [23:23] At least that's what his pieces of paper claimed [23:23] :) [23:24] 11:25 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ok imsorry [23:24] 11:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] and give you what-for [23:24] 11:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] honestly [23:24] 11:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] the nerve [23:24] 11:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] that's it, you're getting strung up [23:24] 11:25 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what do u mean [23:24] 11:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] we each grab an arm/leg and bring you into the basement [23:24] 11:25 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i want to fuck u [23:24] 11:25 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're kicking and screaming, but we'lre laughing [23:24] hehe [23:25] 11:26 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ill stop if u fuck me [23:25] 11:26 PM [msg(sexymale)] not yet [23:25] 11:26 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ill stop if u dont [23:25] 11:26 PM [msg(sexymale)] we bring you over to the rack I keep down there, and strap you in [23:25] 11:26 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] nooooooo [23:25] 11:26 PM [msg(sexymale)] carl takes turn pulling the levers, while I climb on top of you and start riding you from on top [23:26] 11:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ohh yeah thats what i want [23:26] 11:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] each time you gasp, he pulls the lever again [23:26] 11:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] fuck me baby [23:26] 11:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] fuck me3 [23:26] 11:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm fucking you [23:26] 11:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] come on baby [23:26] 11:27 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give me more [23:26] 11:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh boy, are you really fucked up [23:26] 11:27 PM [msg(sexymale)] fucked so hard [23:26] 2nd line from the bottom :) [23:26] 11:28 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] thats the way i like it [23:26] 11:28 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] hard!!!!!!!!!!!!! [23:26] hehe [23:26] 11:28 PM [msg(sexymale)] your arms are coming out of their sockets, but you don't care. I'm mesmerizing your cock [23:27] 11:28 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give me all u got [23:27] 11:28 PM [msg(sexymale)] slam slam slam [23:27] 11:29 PM [msg(sexymale)] you've never done it like this before [23:27] 11:29 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i want u bad [23:27] 11:29 PM [msg(sexymale)] you probably won't be able to walk after [23:27] 11:29 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] nop [23:27] 11:29 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] but i dont care [23:27] 11:29 PM [msg(sexymale)] you'll be my little fucktoy forever and ever [23:28] hehehe [23:28] 11:29 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] that sounds great to me [23:28] 11:30 PM [msg(sexymale)] I get out the nipple clamps and clamp us both up to each other [23:28] man this guy is seriously loco =) [23:28] 11:30 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] does that mean i get u every night for the rest of my life [23:29] 11:30 PM [msg(sexymale)] every night, except you can't tell nights from days [23:29] 11:31 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're having trouble seeing through the haze fo blood [23:29] 11:31 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i dont care as long as i ahve u to fuck [23:31] 11:32 PM [msg(sexymale)] you don't have me; I have you [23:31] 11:32 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] give it to me baby more more more more more more [23:31] 11:32 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ahh ahh ahh [23:31] 11:32 PM [msg(sexymale)] I get my poker from the fireplace and start hitting you on the back [23:31] 11:32 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] wait why is everyone leaving [23:31] 11:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] I put it in the fire to warm it up [23:31] 11:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] searing red [23:31] 11:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] like my cunt [23:31] 11:33 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] ohhhhhhh [23:31] 11:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] I shove it up your ass and ride the other end, sticking out [23:32] nasty [23:32] yikes [23:32] 11:33 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] where is everyone [23:32] 11:33 PM [msg(sexymale)] they're off to the side, watching [23:32] 11:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] just me and u [23:32] 11:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] snickering [23:32] 11:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] just you and me [23:32] 11:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh baby [23:32] 11:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] they've never seen a man take this kind of abuse and live [23:32] 11:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] but you have the strength [23:32] 11:34 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're so strong [23:32] 11:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] lets go t your room [23:33] 11:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] alone [23:33] snickering ROFLMAO [23:33] with what legs [23:33] :) [23:33] 11:34 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] alone [23:33] 11:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok, I have to drag you up the stairs, because you can't walk [23:33] 11:35 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] please [23:34] 11:35 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] is the gradstudent home yet [23:34] 11:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] no, she's still out of the country [23:34] 11:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] but her old girlfriend is here [23:34] 11:35 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] damn [23:34] 11:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] helga [23:34] 11:35 PM [msg(sexymale)] she's blonde and svelte [23:34] hehe [23:34] 11:36 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] why dont we invite her in [23:34] 11:36 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok, you must have a free orifice somewhere [23:34] if not you can cut him a new one [23:35] good idea [23:35] 11:36 PM [msg(sexymale)] she slips into her ballgag and leather mask [23:35] 11:36 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] so the gradstudent will have to come over when she gets home [23:35] thanks...I figure knives might be a decent enough turnoff [23:35] :) [23:36] 11:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] oh my god, she has a knife [23:36] 11:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] she cuts your cock off but a new one grows back [23:36] 11:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] again [23:36] 11:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] again [23:36] 11:37 PM [msg(sexymale)] you have seven cocks now [23:36] 11:38 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what is she doing with it to you [23:36] lol [23:37] this guy just doesn't give up [23:37] holy shit...I'd have given up a long time ago. [23:37] i'd have never started! [23:37] Maybe you should just tell him you're not in the mood anymore. [23:37] 11:38 PM [msg(sexymale)] she starts fucking me with the bloody stump of a cock [23:37] 11:38 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what about me [23:37] 11:39 PM [msg(sexymale)] she cuts you a cunt right under your balls and starts fucking you there in the wound [23:37] :) [23:37] well, I'll have to go soon anyway [23:38] tell him you like your bitches to put up a fight and he's put you off. [23:38] :) [23:40] 11:39 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i get k.o.ed [23:40] 11:40 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] now what [23:40] 11:40 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] im out cold [23:40] 11:41 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what is happening [23:40] 11:41 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what are u 2 doing [23:40] 11:41 PM [msg(sexymale)] we're still fucking you while you're out [23:40] 11:41 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] more [23:40] 11:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] what are you doing [23:40] 11:42 PM [msg(sexymale)] we get some nooses and attach them to your cocks [23:40] 11:42 PM [msg(sexymale)] and hang you from the ceiling [23:40] this goes well beyond sane at this point. [23:41] Somebody should turn this sicko in or something =) [23:41] 11:42 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i want the gradstudent [23:41] 11:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] helga gets a powerdrill [23:41] 11:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] and starts trepanning your skull [23:41] 11:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] why [23:41] 11:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're comatose, you don't know why [23:42] hehe [23:42] 11:43 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i thought u loved me [23:42] 11:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] I do [23:42] 11:43 PM [msg(sexymale)] you'll be mine forever [23:42] 11:44 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then take me down and fuck me [23:42] 11:44 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and give me the gradstudent [23:42] 11:44 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'll make negligee out of your skin and wear you always [23:42] 11:44 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] your freaky [23:43] heh [23:43] haha [23:43] YOU'RE freaky?! [23:43] lofl [23:43] :) [23:43] no, YOUR freaky [23:43] "your freaky" .. gee, ya fucken think? :-) [23:43] hehehe [23:43] 11:45 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] why do this to me [23:43] 11:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] because I can [23:43] 11:45 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] shit now lets talk [23:43] 11:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] because if I can have you, I want to do everything to you [23:43] 11:45 PM [msg(sexymale)] and if I can't have you, then no one can [23:43] I can't stop laughing now [23:44] 11:45 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i want you and only u [23:44] me neither [23:44] I think I'm gonna hurt myself [23:44] :) [23:45] 11:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] the grad student walks in the door still holding her bags [23:45] 11:46 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] so [23:45] 11:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] she wonders what all the comotion is about [23:45] 11:46 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] and [23:45] 11:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] quickly I lunge at her and plunge my knife into her neck [23:45] 11:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] she's yours now [23:45] 11:46 PM [msg(sexymale)] you can do whatever you want to her [23:45] jeeze that's still going on? [23:46] *¹* SignOff cp: #trolls (Client exited) [23:46] ? [23:46] yep...only it's so bad now it's not even funny [23:46] hrm [23:46] that's odd [23:46] hehe [23:47] probably blew his load [23:47] hehe [23:47] *¹* cp has joined #trolls [23:47] *¹* mode/#trolls [+o cp] by ChanServ [23:47] bitchx crashed [23:47] he hasn't noticed [23:47] sure somethin did [23:47] 11:48 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] sylvia make helga leave [23:47] 11:48 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [23:47] 11:49 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] bring the gstudent bake to life [23:47] 11:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] no, she's dead [23:47] 11:49 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] then what now [23:47] 11:49 PM [msg(sexymale)] but she has a sister [23:48] lb, any questions for snaggy? [23:48] 11:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i have decided to keep u and be yours 4ever [23:48] 11:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] who's wondering what all the commotion is about [23:48] 11:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] you're the best [23:48] 11:50 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] noone else [23:48] 11:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] not like those other guys [23:49] any of you logging this? [23:49] who are buried under the porch [23:49] of course [23:49] cp: not I. [23:49] bitchx lost my log [23:49] gn0t I [23:49] what's the proper mixing for rum and coke? [23:49] lb: some coke and some rum. [23:49] snort the coke, drink the rum [23:49] snaggy is around? [23:49] in k5 [23:50] lb: the amounts depend on how much coke you want to taste vs. how much rum you want to taste [23:50] he's in #aftery2k [23:50] 11:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] forever and ever [23:50] 11:50 PM [msg(sexymale)] wow, I'm spent [23:50] 11:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes now since i have given u ur fantasy give me mine [23:50] 11:51 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [23:50] 11:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] mine is easy [23:50] 11:51 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [23:50] i like the rum to be a strong hint [23:50] 11:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] just call me now [23:50] 11:52 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can't [23:50] should find a payphone and call him. =) [23:50] okay [23:50] cp [23:51] listen [23:51] lowest voice "hey." [23:51] :) [23:51] at some point [23:51] it stops being a joke [23:51] and just becomes a guy pretending to be a chick :) [23:51] well, yeah [23:51] you never know [23:51] he may be in #trolls on undernet pasting all of cp's stuff there [23:51] Well, any normal guy pretending to be a chick probably would have skipped over the whole "cutting a new twat" bit [23:52] laughing his ass off [23:52] gbd [23:52] it's not likely [23:52] i know :_) [23:52] 11:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] just tell me [23:52] 11:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] why cant u call me [23:52] 11:53 PM [msg(sexymale)] I mean I can't, literally [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm mute [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] since the surgery [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I've taken to living my fantasies on irc [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can type, but not speak [23:53] 11:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh im sorry [23:53] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] it's ok [23:53] 11:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i still love u [23:53] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] most guys aren't cool with it [23:53] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] thanks [23:53] 11:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i am [23:53] maybe he wants to fuck your tracheotomy? [23:53] hehe [23:53] this is getting a little sick for me [23:53] later guys [23:53] rev where you going? [23:53] same here...I thought for sure the knife bit would have gotten rid of him [23:53] bed [23:54] I am drunk . titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] yes now since i have given u ur fantasy give me mine [23:50] 11:51 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [23:50] 11:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] mine is easy [23:50] 11:51 PM [msg(sexymale)] ok [23:50] i like the rum to be a strong hint [23:50] 11:51 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] just call me now [23:50] 11:52 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can't [23:50] should find a payphone and call him. =) [23:50] okay [23:50] cp [23:51] listen [23:51] lowest voice "hey." [23:51] :) [23:51] at some point [23:51] it stops being a joke [23:51] and just becomes a guy pretending to be a chick :) [23:51] well, yeah [23:51] you never know [23:51] he may be in #trolls on undernet pasting all of cp's stuff there [23:51] Well, any normal guy pretending to be a chick probably would have skipped over the whole "cutting a new twat" bit [23:52] laughing his ass off [23:52] gbd [23:52] it's not likely [23:52] i know :_) [23:52] 11:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] just tell me [23:52] 11:53 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] why cant u call me [23:52] 11:53 PM [msg(sexymale)] I mean I can't, literally [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I'm mute [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] since the surgery [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I've taken to living my fantasies on irc [23:52] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] I can type, but not speak [23:53] 11:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] oh im sorry [23:53] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] it's ok [23:53] 11:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i still love u [23:53] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] most guys aren't cool with it [23:53] 11:54 PM [msg(sexymale)] thanks [23:53] 11:54 PM [sexymale(titan2@user-38lcj71.dialup.mindspring.com)] i am [23:53] maybe he wants to fuck your tracheotomy? [23:53] hehe [23:53] this is getting a little sick for me [23:53] later guys [23:53] rev where you going? [23:53] same here...I thought for sure the knife bit would have gotten rid of him [23:53] bed [23:54] I am drunk