I can only speculate the reasons, such as Accenture has no clue as to what I do, or how many customers depend on me, or even how much money is saved because of me or anything like that. Who knows what criteria they based it on. All I know is that I recieved a letter today saying that Accenture wouldn't hire me. They are idiots. Their interview process was a joke. They don't do a technical interview whatsoever. They have someone come in to discuss technical stuff, but they are a HR people and just write stuff down to make you feel better. Then, there is a psychological test that they wankishly ask you questions like, "what were you thinking before walking into the meeting" and such.
Anyways, I am using my contacts and sending resumes out to places on job websites. There's a good chance I will be able to get another job, as many of these people had been leaving me messages on my phone as it is. I just have to wait and see what happens next, but I hope I can get it worked out soon.
If anyone reading this wants to hire someone that has been doing Remedy development, and knows perl, databases (Oracle, Sybase, MSSQL, etc) and all sorts of OSs and various other programming languages, leave me a message here or post something to bikkel.com.