A liberalist sees the world in shades of grey, not black and white. To a liberalist, everything is relative. There is no ultimate moral authority, there is no absolute standard of right and wrong.
A liberalist will assert that "child pornography is wrong," but then he will proceed to undermine that moral position by defining the problem away - "what exactly is a child anyway?" With absolute values tidily disposed of, a liberalist is then free to "do as ye will, an harm none" (but what exactly is "harm" anyway?)
Of course, some who have been labelled liberalists have developed their own consistent personal ethics. Some even believe that an absolute morality might exist, but doubt that it is knowable by our limited minds. It's really all shades of grey. And what exactly is a "liberalist" anyway.
Hope this helps.
Adequacy has turned into a cesspool consisting of ... blubbering, superstitious fools arguing with smug, pseudointellectual assholes. -AR