Well, firstly, why does everyone (well, probably not everyone, just communists) hate Microsoft?
Microsoft may be evil, but who gives a rat's ass? Are people so stupid that they can't tell an evil mega-corporation when they see one and act accordingly? It's not like someone's pointing a gun to anyone's head and saying "Buy SQL Server or I'll fucking clip you!". While people might like to believe that they're under the control of uncontrollably powerful external forces, they're not. It's just a huge fucking cop-out for being lame. How many times have you heard some hand-wringing fuckwad complain "... but I'm forced to use Outlook at work"? Quite a few, I imagine, given the quality of web site you seem frequent.
So, anyway, all I want to do is buy some new geek crap, play some games, get bored and never use it again. I don't want to engage in some dialectical wankery wrt Good vs. Evil in the context of post-post-modernistic technoplasticity. What's up with that?
Alternative question: should I wait for Gamecube?