So you mean to say that they're taking a page from the three R's of the Lunix movement?
That would actually make sense if reverse engineering were illegal. Do you even know what it means? It doesn't mean stealing source code and using it. It simply means taking a product and designing your own version how you (the developer or company) believe it should be done. Then eliminating unwanted features and/or adding new ones.
I would have to say that it is much better than EMBRACE, EXTEND, EXTINGUISH, market it as new, innovative and never before seen, and the blame the company you stole it from for poor management.
Just look at all of the popular and revolutionary products the Open Sores community has cobbled together: KDE (Windows clone in every respect), KWord, KDevelop, Konqueror, Gaim, GnoWinZip, KMicrosoft Office XP, Licq, FreeCraft, GMSN Messenger, and myMSSQL Server 2000.
That would actually be a rather intelligent argument if half of the items you listed weren't fabricated. You have an over active imagination. Since your post is about reverse engineering can you name even ONE Microsoft product that is truly innovative? Can you? Hell no because there isn't one.
I really want to concentrate on this little piece of info "KDE (Windows clone in every respect)". Uhh no, far from it. See unlike the Windows GUI KDE, GNOME and most others actually do borrow from past UIs and implement things correctly. Windows GUIs are nothing more than borrowed concepts taken from the OS/2 and Mac OS UIs. I find it rather funny that MS has never been able to include many of the most wanted features from these user interfaces. Every once and awhile they figure it out. They then release it as "never before seen", "new" or "innovative".
There's nothing wrong with reverse engineering. I can reverse engineer Coca Cola. As long as I don't call it Coca Cola or Coke I'm not violating any trademarks, patents, or copyrights.
So please oh grand "computer" professional, inform us of an MS innovation that isn't a blatant rip off, or trivial piece of crap impersonating something else already done. Here I'll get you started:
Microsoft Office
Note: Remember, MS holds the trademark on Microsoft Office not Office.
Just another office suite clone of every office suite that came before with a prettied up interface. Only benefit being that it works better with Windows as Microsoft is known for promising resources to developers then pulling out whenever they feel like it, breaking contracts and winding up in court. It's only through loopholes, or loose interpretations by MS lawyers that MS can continue to sell their half-assed attempts so full of bugs, holes, and exploits like the one involving CLIP ART (HAHA!).
Wanna try, Yoshi? Come on I dare ya.