and walk quietly to the door. Turn to look over my shoulder and jauntily wink at no one in particular, just happy to be leaving the arena with my soul intact. Of course I am not really leaving but be warned,
I shall not be sucked into your fascination with this Linux character.
I, the non-techie will not ask if this is the same OS that ran on the mainframe workstations that I used in the 80's? Or is it that kid with the blanket? I remember punch cards and machines that required their own air conditioning units and when thermal dot matrix being the hot new technology, AS400, BASIC... however, I do not remember hearing about Linux, but back then the printers were a lot louder.
Thankfully, I am perfectly happy with my 2 bit color, 13 inch monitor and graphics card which ensures that my children will never hog the computer, or the gray color schematics described in a story that I have read here on, would surely tempt me. I, who proudly connect to the internet on dial-up 56k, who shamelessly has taken advantage of any and all free ISP offers, use the computer as a tool for work, not as a toy, (except of course, when I am goofing off on message boards and playing Free Cell.) do not really need any but Mr. Gate's fine products which gives me a slightly stable OS, workable database, word-processing, spreadsheet, and internet browser, all tied up in a box with a bow.
And just a small career hint, adaptability being the key to survival, I would suggest that Linux design some MS compatible software.