One of the most often ignored aspects of fishing is the harm it does to
other creatures. One of
the cruelest variants of the sport is
fishing for dolphins where live creatures are
routinely impaled on hooks
both as baite to catch the dolphins, and for the enjoyment of the fisher.
The use of explosives to catch fish is perhaps understandable, though deplorable, where
poor people
are trying eek out a living, but attempting,
as the Americans do, to elevate
the practice into a sport is a travesty.
Some sport fishers insist that they practice a non-violent form of
the sport, yet think nothing of killing those they consider
predatory or worthless. However, even their insistence on none violence
flies in the face of the evidence that the fish they capture are truamatized
by the experience.
This cruel and barbaric practice should be banned forthwith