I don't get sick all that often. Generally it's once a year, a bit of a headache and stuffy nose, maybe a day off to sleep in and get better. The problem right now is that... I'm sick. I took half a day off 2 weeks ago because I wasn't feeling good. And here we are in the present and I'm *still* feeling oogie. Perhaps I've spread it around the house (wife, 4 kids) and I get a little better, kid # 2 gets sick, mutates the illness just a little, and I get whatever new strain PLUS whatever I'm still trying to fight.
For the record, I don't think I have Anthrax. If the post office issues a warning in my area (Portland, OR), then I'll be the FIRST in line for Cipro. Until then, I'll keep taking my ibuprofen 2x/day. It still bothers me when my little 1-year old, cute-as-a-button girl runs a fever yet doesn't *act* sick for a whole day+, though.
Perhaps I'm just feeding off of the wife's perpetual paranoia. chmod a+x /bin/laden