The first and foremost reason I will not be returning is due to a diary entry, claimed to be made by extarbags. This entry was in fact butchered beyond recognition by the site's operator, elby. This can be seen by the edited by elby remark
here. You can find what's left of the interaction that caused this action
here. That is providing the moderator(elby) did not delete what's left. Additionally, the quality of articles on this site are horrendous. Unless they are meant to entertain because of their stupidity, they seem to be nothing more than the trolls that escaped Slashdot and Kuro5hin. They make outrageous claims without having any type of proof to back them up. Any proof that they present in the articles I would not doubt if further investigation showed that it was made up. I've shown our side of the story, now I will let you judge for yourself. As for this site, it might as well be named Adequacy: news for adults run by children.