I feel the sudden and uncontrollable urge to respond to this. I'm not exactly sure why this is, but it is something I am compelled to do.
Why, in all the endless possibilities under the sun in the realm of songwriting, would you idly and mindlessly feel the need to set the pen to plotting out rehashed words to a song that already exists? What do you feel this would accomplish, other that to demonstrate a complete and total waste of both time and energy.
If you want to write a song, by all means, write a song. Why not craft some compelling lyrics, wrought with hidden meaning, left to the listener to decypher? Why not reach into your soul and pull forth one of the many melodies that lie locked within us all?
But to proclaim that you are writing a song, and then tell us that it is "to the tune of an Irish jig that's been running through my head recently", well, that only shows a complete and total lack of true creativity and imagination.
I am vastly disappointed.
Yours in emnity,
I am not who you think I am.