Behind the scenes,
adequacy has been courted by various advertisers for several months. However, being a site of noted integrity, we decided to wait until we could advertise a product that all the editorial staff could endorse without fear of hypocrisy. A product we would all enjoy, and adore. When
hypefoods gave us an offer to advertise their popular
Hypermints with Caffeine Crystals, we were overjoyed to accept. Their mints are wonderfully tasty, and really pack a punch. From extensive trials, I have noticed they make me more quick witted, friskier, and fresher of breath - a wonderfully advantageous combination for wooing the ladies!
In other general meta-ish site news, we have installed a special AdequacyChat software system in the Chat page. It uses Java, or something.
I'm sure there is other meta type news, but I can't remember what it is now. Oh, we might be getting supah-powerful hardware upgrades. What fun. Our server monkeys are salivating.