Aug 04, 2002
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I think I have a pretty good grasp of what this site is about. Most people here have either way to much time on their hands, or are brilliant enough at multi-tasking to work this into their busy lives. I'd like to think I am a combination of the two. I can multi-task enough so that I have plenty of spare time to spend writing short essays that should not have to be written, each one pointing out another obvious reason that the general populous at large is rather intellectually challenged. I'm not sure if anyone has ever heard of the phrase "Here's your sign" but it is an idea of a man (whose name currently escapes me). This brilliant idea suggests that a sign of identification be given to anybody who prooves themself worthy of the title "village idiot". These signs would work very similarly to the yellow stars used by the Nazis to identify Jews, but this would have a much greater purpose. If we had the ablity to spot these people whose intellect merely rival those of very sharp garden tools. But i digress, these people really shouldn't be mocked, because they provide such wonderful writing material. Anyway, I'm hoping this leaves you mildly intregued, and that I'll actually get some readers for my oh so anticipated thoughts.