I don't have to choose which of three different shaped steering wheels to use (or a joystick).
I think there are some differences between steer wheel positions, sizes, and some construction details. OTOH, I am not a car buff so I am not really sure. Regarding joystick, I think the reasons it isn't an option are rather technical - if drive-by-wire will ever become common, joystick-operated cars will appear too.
When I want to open the window, I don;t have to edit my /etc/window.conf file, add a new kernel module and reboot the on-board car computer.
Not an argument.
a) You have the service to do it for you, and you are charged for the work appropriately (read: arm and leg). It has to be done only once anyway.
b) The window was installed there by the manufacturer, includinf its configuration. If you installed a different model yourself, see a).
c) If you compiled the window support as a kernel module, you don't have to reboot, just to modprobe it instead.
My washing machine never refuses to wash my clothes because of incompatibilites.
No wonder. Clothes are designed according to open, nonproprietary standards.
As for one book, that's easy, there is one book that is enough for everyone - Al Qu'raan.
I Ching. Older, better, wide userbase as well.
Think carefully before disputing this, we are talking about the un-mediated word of God here.
What god? There is more of them, though every one claims he's the only true one. What are the objective criteria for the assessment of a god's trueness?