Is the Islamic gene dominant? Or does it just seem that way? Good God, they are everywhere these days aren't they? Black clad, crow-like harpies scuttling down the high street in their chadors and sandals with henna'ed feet and slaves in tow four paces to the rear. The curly headed little devil spawn with an infected sense of entitlement who closes the hotel elevator door in one's face. The dusky gent with the ill fitting green neon suit and the bad breath standing behind one in the
NON EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND NEGROES line at immigration, shoving and treading on one's heels in the push to get ahead. Heavens above!
So what is to be done? Shall we just sit here in economy class, tray tables and backrests in the upright and stowed position, and allow Islam to commandeer our lives and destinies and dash us to pieces on the rocky plains of non-accountability? Or shall we roll, Citizens? Hands up all in favor of a nuclear crusade.