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As the horrifying details of the World Trade Center bombing continue to surface, it becomes painfully clear that there is one villain paramount above all in this tragedy. I'm, speaking, of course, about Microsoft.
[ED} Typical Geek seems to be another typical Slashdotter, witness the lack of analysis and the anti-Microsoft bias. But in the interests of fair play that Adequacy is noted for, we will post this. Update [2001-9-13 16:0:36 by elby]: You heard it here first! |
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Through eyewitness accounts of the plans wobbling into the Towers, and from the commonly known facts about airline pilots, one realizes that planes were being piloted by suicidal terrorists.
To be able to fly a commercial airliner, you need a multi jet engine pilot's license. ASide from the odd billionaire or movie star, the only way to afford this training is to get it in the air force. To estimate that 80% of commercial airline pilots are former military men is probably very conservative. And what are the odds of a former Air Force pilot willingly flying his airliner into a building full of Americans? Slim and none, the annals are full of Air Force pilots sacrificing themselves to save apartment buildings and schools. Any Air Force pilot with a grain of backbone would have ditched in the Hudson River before doing what the terrorists wanted. Eyewitness reports indicated the planes wobbled and had to line up before striking the towers, hallmarks of novice pilots at the yoke. Obviously the terrorists. So, where did these terrorists learn how to fly multi engine jetliners? They're frightenly expensive to buy and maintain, and expensive to fuel (unless you're an oil state). They need large amounts of land to take off and land in. Few terrorists organizations could afford one, and the US's peerless spy satellites would have noticed. But what about pilots with ties to terrorists organizations? In even the poorest country, a skilled multi engine pilot is a wealthy, upper class citizen, and aside from the occasional nutcase, not very likely to endanger his comfortable lifestyle to further an esoteric goal. No, the fanatics who crashed the planes had little or no real world experience. Where then, did they get the small amount of knowledge that they had? One source, Microsoft Flight Simulator. For those unfamiliar with Microsoft Flight Simulator, it is a flight simulator, of course, with modern airliners, and contains landscapes of modern cities to fly around. If you were ever curious about how hard it was to land a 757 in JFK airport in New York City, Microsoft Filght Simulator would let you do it. If you ever wanted to fly around Manhattan at skyscraper level in an Airbus, MS flight Simulator would let you do it. If you ever wanted to fly a 767 right into the World Trade Tower, MS Flight Simulator would show you how.
Now, I'm generally against all forms of government intrusion in my life and software, but perhaps Microsoft Flight Simulator has gone past the limit. I know an export ban would never work, it would just get traded over Napster. I suggest a hidden back door in Microsoft Flight Simulator that notifies the proper authorities via the internet when repeated attempts are made to fly planes into buildings and other landmarks. Sure, a few stupid teenagers might get unwanted attention from the FBI, but if it prevents this kind of tragedy, it's all worth it.
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