I guess people don't try and notice it as much as they want, but we live in a free country with heavy restrictions on our freedom. It might not be nearly as bad as India or South Africa, but how can it be called freedom when one can't freely speak his mind in a public place. Decency is something that controls much of the law, common courtesy, and things such as this are the basis on which many of the laws are made. I mean, I was in court the other day for a daytime curfew violation, for which I had to pay a $212 dollar fine. Daytime curfew... I wasn't even in a public place I was driving down the private easement that leads to our house, yet I was still stopped and arrested. While I was in court, I was reading some of the tickets they could give out, and I saw one that really struck me as a foolish law. Failure to use A/C or heat - Fine: 235$. Yes that's right, get pulled over, the cop leans in... "My My, it feels a bit hot in here, I think I'm going to have to give you a citation." I mean seriously what kind of shit is that, if I want to use my A/C it's my choice not the goddamn law. It's laws like this, laws of the rich to middle class that disband the freedoms. I'd go into this more, but I'm sort of pressed for time to on to my next point.
I don't know if you people have read the book or not, but Chaos Theory is a very good book to read about how institutionalized systems destroy themselves. Think of it like this, you take a system with controls, the 'controlled' subjects are going to conform for the most part, but there will be a few chaotic ones that wish to deviate from the normal, and they will be influenced by the control. Case in point - the control here in the U.S. is the military, so when we have people that displace themselves from the rest, they create an opposition in the form of, yes you guessed it, a military... All this goes to show, that control is something that will ALWAYS have it's chaotic deviations. People are not going to adhere to rules just because they were written by some man 500 years ago wearing a big fake white long-haired wig.
It bodes the same with parents. Abuse your kids, control them, sure go ahead. But you won't like the result. One of two things will happen, you'll end up with a kid that hates you in the back of his/her mind but just never shows it, or you'll end up with a sadistic little drug addict that wants to escape your castle of abusive fortitude. Chaos Theory is a great book, gives insights on just about everything because it is so applicable. It deals with inverse mathematics some and it can tend to get a little complicated, but if you can read it with an open mind as a parent and understand it, you'll see that being strict on your kids is not the greatest idea. While it does instill good values such as responsability and discipline, they lose respect because of the way you go about it. Think about how demeaning it is to be told 'your too young to drink beer'. That causes segregation between the parentals and the kids in that the parents have something the kids don't and nowadays it is blatantly flaunted all throughout advertising. How the hell are kids not supposed to be attracted to beer?
In a world of adult control, someday you'll see that the kids will be the chaos. It won't be pretty, and little by little outbursts are happening. I myself, am 16 years of age, but I do believe I have a mind capable of argueing my point. I realise that wars happen because of things like this. Everybody wants to be in control, in the drivers seat, especially the politicians, but what they don't realise is that the larger a community is controlled and the more brutally you control it with scare tactics, the more the community is going to deviate from your control and eventually overthrow you with your own tactics. Look at the population of the U.S., around 260 million or so in the last census... If you think for one minute that something like that population can be controlled by laws and prison, your dead wrong. Think about how easy it would be if 200 million americans united and overthrew the government.
Now I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this too just because I'm a youngun, and I shouldn't be at adequacy in the first place, but I have been anonymously reading this shit for some time and I thought it'd be a nice time to voice my opinion on a matter such as this.