We should send Kuro5hin.org a Cease and Desist letter demanding that they remove all links from their site to ours due to the exessive number of Kurobots wandering over here where they don't belong.
That's a bit on the nasty side, don't you think? I am of the opinion that many of our friends from blabbering-baboons.org have much to contribute. Certainly, there is a vocal minority there who profess to dislike this site, and a vocal minority here with a passionate hatred for kuro5hin. Why these camps feel the way they do is anybodies guess, but I for one like both (though if I were forced to choose a side in any final scrumdown it would of course be the adequate one).
We shouldn't be dragged down into the children's little competitive games. We editors should be like Monarchs, second only to God, and we should not sully ourselves by taking coherent positions on matters of policy such as this.
So I say again: I like k5! And I also, even, like some k5ers, although most of them seem to be rather robotic, it has to be said, and humourless. We should have a welcoming attitude, and not reject everyone wholesale.
They only annoy me when they crapflood (as some of them have in the past), or make long and windy suggestions about how 'Adequacy can only be saved if we open up the queue and allow everyone to vote on articles and submit them', if only because it becomes tiresome.
Instead let us recognise the great differences between our Empires, and let things rest in Utopian peace.
♥, bc.