I got searched at the airport on the way up here; pretty good since it was an international flight. I took my hat off and put it through the x-ray, and I had my wooden box of art supplies and backpack too. Apparently something on me set off the metal detector and I ended up being stripped down in front of two army guys until I was just wearing my shirt and jeans. Then this nervous-looking Indian guy padded me down. I kind of liked it. ;) The flight was good, though, and I think I want to fly Air Canada from now on because they play movies even on short flights and have better food. (That, and the head stewardess had an accent.)
We're leaving tonight on a train for Quebec. (Sorry, I don't know how to make the accent over the e in Linux.) I bought some boursin yesterday, but it's a bit stronger than I remembered it... not bad, though! I hope you are having fun. I'm a bit tired from not getting any sleep at night. :D.
(Mmmm.. there's a cable modem here, too. :)