It's like you're saying goodbye or something. Don't kill yourself, Jin. You're doomed to die anyway. It is inevitable, you know, and death will come sooner than you think. All life ends, and that is it -- it is OVER and nothing remains. You think you will some how miss out? No way. You are GOING TO DIE!!!
So don't push it. Don't be in a rush. You're worms meat. We all are, so don't act like you have do do anything to help it along.
But perhaps you speak of metaphorical death. The old, dull, self-obsessed Jin Wicked who had nothing better to talk about than her boring, boring, BORING personal life is DEAD, and is being replaced by a more interesting Jin, who has given up her personal obsessions and expanded her horizons. The new Jin knows that the rest of the world exists.
O happy day! Congradulations on your re-birth, Jin Wicked!
I do, I do, I do --Bikini Kill