Are you seeking Concubines?
I have been "put aside" by my husband because I had begun to think for myself, a mistake and an accident I assure you. Now however, I find myself wandering lost and alone without the support and comfort of a good upright man of god to guide me.
Naturaly, now that I have admitied to cognitive sin, I am no longer welcome in the community that was once so eagar to shape, mold, and live my life. They chose my first husband for me graciously (he was the junior pastor of our church! )and with care! Without their guidance, I am lost.
I was like a pastor's wife should be, and I was trained to look perfect and fluff my hair and smile while uttering not a word.... But now my actions betray my careful upbringing. Curse the bastards who convinced me of the evil notion that I was intelligent enough to persue a path to higher learning, curse the bastards that gave me college scolarships, curse them, for college is when I began to think! Curse them for ruining my life! I knew I should have been content to drop out of high school, start poping out babies and answer the phone at the church... Oh, ignorance was such bliss!
I beg you, take me, retrain me... and if it is to late, corrupt me more, make me the perfect slut... at least make me a more succesful concubine than I was a pastors wife! I long, as all women do, to fall into my socitaly specified role! My well being is in your hands, take me, please!
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