Your vile insults against atheists are deeply offensive to me. In a truly civilized society, your hate speech would be banned. I personally know many athiests who will forever bear the scars of your cruel attacks.
Additionally, I feel the need to mention that "READ SOME FUCKING HISTORY" is not an argument, and saying this does not lend authority to your postition. I would hope that no one would change his or her beliefs simply because some guy said "READ SOME FUCKING HISTORY" to him -- even if it was in all caps. Even if it were in all caps and bold type, it still would lack the minimal elements needed to form a persuasive argument. It leaves out objective facts, and leaves out any proposed points of agreement. Lacking these as a basis, the statement "READ SOME FUCKING HISTORY" does not allow you or any of us to find a conclusion supported by the points. I will grant that you were gallant in providing a decent amount of whitespace surrounding "READ SOME FUCKING HISTORY", but I must say, it is just not enough. There are some things even whitespace cannot help.
By the way, finally, I think Stalin's God was Communism, and he killed in the name of the Communist Ideal. Like the September 11 terrorists, and you, Stalin thought he had a special relationship with "the absolute" and because others lacked this special relationship -- and even failed to acknowlege it -- their lives were devalued, to the point that they could be killed on a massive scale. I think you are obsessed with Stalin's atheism because it allows you to avoid noticing the similarities between your own inability to grant those who disagree with you even the most minimal consideration, and Stalin's disregard for the rights of his enemies. You call your own cherished beliefs "obvious", meaning they need no justification. Ergo, anyone who disagrees is guilty of willfully denying the "obvious" and so deserves whatever they get: the gulag, death in an inferno, or your, equally violent, terroristic hate flames on the web.
We live in dark times, ruled by the fevered delusions of Central Asian fanatics, and I fear you are winning.
I do, I do, I do --Bikini Kill