I would like to swallow some quantity of this intriguing substance, and then repair to the local tavern in order to supplement the drug with alcohol, and then brag sloppily about my edgy lifestyle to any potential spouse in the vicinity.
The trick is figuring out the proper dosage. The initial recommended dosage for this drug is 0.25mg, but when using pharmaceauticals recreationally, I tend to bump up the dosage a bit. The pills in my possession appear to be quite conducive to this, so much so that I am considering splitting one lavender, ovoid-shaped, 1mg tablet, and gulping down the bigger half.
I am accustomed to the rigors of alcohol, so I think I can hold down four drinks on top of the half-pill. Other downers have given me little trouble in this regard. If things are different this time, well, I'm cheerfully resigned to vomiting occaisionally in the pursuit of knowledge, but any input from the pointy-headed biochem crew or from the rock-star drunks or from the glitter-faced rave babies would be most appreciated.