I don't like most breakfasts. Especially these healthkick breakfasts that consist of bran, bran, bran,bran and bran, some more bran and some sultanas.
Unfortunately I can rarely be bothered cooking. This means that I don't eat very much. When I do eat, I make sure to eat as unhealthily as possible. I reckon 1 meal a day of pure unsaturated fat, gristle and, perhaps, a freshly fried tomato saturated with lardy fat (for the vegetable quotient we are all hectored to eat) is much better than endless amounts of bran.
A recent study showed that Inuit tribes, who eat nothing but 100% meat, never ever get heart attacks or clogged arteries. And there is the French paradox, the bane of the medical profession, which is that the frogs eat more fat, more meat, smoke more and drink more than anyone else in the world, and yet, and yet, they live longer! Meanwhile super health conscious USians, with their jogging (I mean, what an absurdity that is!) and bran and running machines, sit ups, fat free yoghurts, no smoking policies, prohibitionism and catholic guilt when it comes to foodly fun, live shorter lives than we Brits with our pork pies and bitter.
This is all the proof I need my friends - its a fat full diet for me, I'm sure I'll live longer and be happier, and damn the hindmost.
♥, bc.