backround music: "we are the champions" (queen)
Chanting crowd of young men and more young men: USA, USA, USA, USA, Number Won, Number Won, USA, USA, USA! Number 1
[some huge foam #1 finger puppets can be seen waggling here and there]
McLeader: United We Stand! Make no mistake about it we are a patient nation slow to anger but angry when provoked. Our anger is just and our cause is a just and angry one. We will not let these cowards intimidate the freedom we stand to defend. Evil exists in the world and we shall give it no rest and no quarter until we smoke them evildoers out of their varmint hidey holes and string 'em up to justice.
[cue new music: classical patriotic building to a swelling climax slowly]
Crowd of men: USA! USA! USA! Number 1! Number 1!
McLeader: And May God Continue to Bless America! Now on to Baghdad to finish my Daddy's job for him!