The need to control the population is there. The ability to control the population is there too.
In fact the CIA has been messing with mind control drugs since the 50's and it was disclosed that the government had active mind control programs in the 70's. Since then nothing has been heard...but does this mean the US government has abandoned this area of research?
No, the evidence suggests that research has simply gone underground. But after 50 years of work on the subject is it just research or are there now active mind control programs which exist?
Is our society being controlled through mind control drugs? As a people we are very quiet and very few of us are actively critical of our governments. Many of us dont like the way things are heading but will just put up with it.
The last 20 years there has been little civil unrest in our society.
Could we all be being induced by mind control drugs? The water we drink, the beer we drink, the food we eat. We cant possibly know what goes into these materials at the top of the chain. Basically - if someone with power wanted to control us they could do so and how would we ever know?