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In recent months, many parties have been making accusations that the United States is becoming "isolationist." In particular, these attacks have been aimed at the administration of President George W. Bush and its stance on issues such as the Kyoto Protocol, national missile defense (NMD), embryonic stem cell research (ESCR), and other things that the United States has a vested interest in (or against). These charges have been coming from the socialist European Union, the Communist Chinese, the "democratic" (in name only) Russian Federation, and even from the left wing of the United States' own Democratic party!
I have to ask: In what bizarre alternate reality is Bush, a decent and honorable man with a firmly-rooted moral compass, obligated to listen to these collectivist miscreants? |
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[ Note: This is an extended commentary that came about from my investigative report, "Gutless in Seattle." After doing some thinking about the Kyoto Protocol and the world pressure on the United States to conform to it, I am offering some thoughts on how the United States should respond to all of this unwelcome "advice". Take from it what you will. ]
First of all, I apologize for the crudity of the title to this article. The use of profanity is immoral and should only be done to make a point. (This is a lesson that the blacks would do well to learn.) As it turns out, in this case there is a point to be made; it is high time this country took a principled and decidely pointed attitude towards the leftivist agitators that feel like they need to dictate our national policy to us. Let there be no doubt; there is one (and only one) authority to which President Bush must answer, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. He does not need to beg permission from Vladimir Putin in order to build a missile shield to protect our children. He doesn't need to grovel in front of Tony Blair and Gerhard Schroeder in order to rip up the Kyoto Protocol and ignore it completely (along with the economic holocaust that it would bring.) He doesn't need to seek advice from some slobbering Vaticanite to come to a principled decision on embryonic stem cell research. The fact of the matter is this: we are the greatest country ever, on this or any other planet. We have the capability to make our own decisions on these matters, thank you very much. I would say the following to the European Union, the mongoloid apes of Siberia, and the rice-eating Reds: We have heard, and ignored, your opinion. Now please pick up your ball and go home. We will act in the best interest in our nation, whether you like it or not. We neither want nor require your assent. But is this isolationism? Far from it. George W. Bush is not pulling away from the rest of the world. He's leading it. President Bush is letting the world know that we are going to build a missile shield, and that we will not tolerate countries who would begrudge us that right. He's telling the world that we will not conform to the Kyoto Protocol, and that we will not tolerate nations that do. He's telling the world that embryonic stem cell research is murder, that America will not do it, and that we cannot allow others to do it, either. If Tony Blair, Gerhard Schroeder, and the deluded leftists that elected them hate America so much that they want to prevent us from protecting our children, churches, etc. from rogue missile attacks, perhaps it's time that we demonstrate the type of incident that we wish to prevent. Perhaps opinions would be changed if we were to fire a few cruise missiles at Buckminster Abbey or wherever the hell these Cockney bastards like to congregate. And just maybe the Krauts would mind their own goddamn business if we dropped a few smart bombs on Berlin. I wonder if these nations who intend to conform to the Kyoto Protocol would be so conformant if their power plants all of a sudden got into a habit of exploding. That would release quite a bit of greenhouse gases into the air, wouldn't it? I wonder what a few surgical napalm strikes on the lush forests of France would do to their collective will to adhere to this obviously-Communist treaty? (If history is any indicator, it is likely that the French would step out of their homes, hold up their hands, and immediately surrender.) What if a few mudslides were "accidentally" triggered in the Pacific Rim to give the Japs a taste of what they're in for if they actually intend to go ahead with this crazy plan? Here's the bottom line: I'm sick and tired of having to apologize to the rest of the world for being right. And we (the United States) are not leaving the world stage. What we're doing is telling these cretins to take their socialist policies and their failed ideologies and stick them where the sun don't shine. The United States is not about to drag itself down into Hell, and if I were president, we wouldn't let other nations drag the rest of the globe down there either. Some would disagree with this approach, and call it heavy-handed. I, on the other hand, tend to think that it's our only option.
There's just too much at stake. |
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