i hate to say it. but a lot of people on this system are either poorly educated or are very closed minded.
I suggest you take a closer look at this site. Several people have PhDs, which is a sign of advanced education. You, with your atrocious grammar and spelling, are not.
I grew up in a Famliy of computer users, i used windows, i used Linux, i used OS/2warp. of the 2 post i have read on here as STORY's,both have been belegerently hostile to any form of higher computer literacy, if the people who are writing this NaziGestapo crap had there way. there would be only a small handfull of people who could do anything with computers at all, Windows would be required on all systems, and any work to the computer would require it be sent back to the manufacture.
The above paragraph is a prime example of how to make a run-on sentence Run-on sentences are difficult to read, and detract from the main point in a paragraph. I suggest you proofread your work first, preferably in a fine word processor such as Microsoft Word.
Here at Adequacy, there are many experienced computer technicians, such as osm, mjl, and flarners. Windows is the industry standard, and that will not change no matter what drivel you may hear from other sites
I object to your use of the words "Nazi Gestapo" in that context, as it is clear that you barely have any grasp of what the Gestapo were. Please enroll in remedial history. As for your other points, who would you let work on your $2000 computer: some random Lunix zealot who would wipe your hard drive and replace it with Lunix, or the fine, friendly folks at an authorized service center who will gladly fix your Compaq?
Gee i cant think of any better way for Computer companies such as DELL and COmpaq would Love it, we would just be feeding them MORE money, and what about Bill gates, Doesnt he have more then enough money already, why give him more by choice. and whats this about Linux being inferior Windows. obviously this user owns a LOT of stock in MS.
The basic rule of business is this: you must earn a profit.Several
open-source companies have chosen to ignore this rule. Consequently, they have ended up in the toilet. Computer companies such as Compaq and Gateway have been able to stay in business because they make money. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp.
William Gates has made a lot of money because he has invented the optical mouse, modern GUI design, Windows, and DOS. These innovative products have been ripped off time and time again. Clearly you feel that he is not entitled to his fair share of money for helping revolutionize computing.
because anyone with a Decent level of computer education and experence knows that linux is a Far superior OS to Windows, True it will not run Windows software all of the time, but the software for linux is SPECIALIZED Software for
Advanced applications. and it is in all ways customizable, true you may have to learn various programming languages in order to make use of this advantage, but isnt learning new things good for you, and it makes you more COMPETENT as a computer user.
Windows does not require me to learn a programming language for advanced uses - it has the "Advanced" tab for that. Linux requires arcane commands like chmod +000 /, rpm -uvh lunixvirus.2.3.3.r1-i386-x86.rpm, ls, sh, and countless more. Windows software will not run on Linux - period. Those screenshots you see on certain sites are doctored, probably with the use of hacker tools like GIMP.
im sorry for the long length, but there were many things i had to say to invalidate the false points this closed minded individual had to say, he is entitled to his own opinion, but he should be made aware that he is in a small minority to the rest of the worlds computer users
Linux occupies less than one percent of the world's desktop computers. Any efforts by Lunix zealots to catch up are overtaken by Microsoft's constant innovations.