Flash is a fantastic format for animation and games. However, it could be improved.
I would be interested if Flash (and Director) detected when some moronic designer was writing some dumbfuck bells-and-whistles Flash script to be the only form of navigation on a website, that for no good reason takes 20 seconds of animation before actually going to the link you have clicked on. Flash should then detonate his overpriced G4 and Studio monitor, killing him instantly.
Alternatively, Flash should require him to feed his Masters degree in user interfaces into his scanner before allowing him access to any of the interactive features of Flash.
Java for applets is a monstrosity that should have never seen the light of day. Thank god it died out.
Well, nearly. It's a good idea if you need a continual dialogue with the web server (eg chatrooms), but the main problem is that the user interface classes are nothing like lightweight. They're based on the monstrosity that is X-Windows. Thanks, X-Windows.
adequacy.org -- because it isn't