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I find it funny when people completely misinterpret one of my "rants". Not many people really read what I have typed correctly. It is a matter of assumptions, expectations, and reality.
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When I write a rant, a rave, a rebuke, or just a plain old comment, I find I am stereotyped in several ways. First off, it is always assumed that I am pissed off, jumping up and down, fuming mad, and screaming like a loon. It is then assumed that I must be some sort of angst-ridden adolescent. This is funny - truly it is hillarious.
I am not mad, I am not angry. Learn to read my posts: read it with a disturbingly calm voice. Read it as if it were spoken by a "level headed" person. I'm not yelling. After all, I'm typing this crap - why bother yelling, it won't help you hear me any better. All because I use profanities, it is assumed that I am either too young or uneducated. Shit! Get over it. People swear left-and-right, up-and-down, day in, day out. In the adult world, we don't care about it in everyday life. For those who feel that a truly "mature" person needn't use swear words, get off your fucking high horse and join the real world. It is that pompous, self-absorbed attitude that I am both sick of and making fun of. Deal with it. I am older than your "average web-log user" This is the one that really gets me. Every time I read this crap, I want to roll on the floor laughing, but my wife would have me committed, so I just chuckle politely. I've been using the fucking web since before the general public ever heard of it. I knew of it before I ever got to use it in college, and I've been using it ever since. The first time I used the web was 1991. Yes, 1991. Again, deal with it, and don't bother trying to "prove me wrong" or tell me that I'm lying. The old VAX account is long gone, as are the old e-mails sent across the "young" internet (it was most ceartintly not young, except from the public's perspective). I got a web-site up and running in late 1992. It went out to the public in late 1993. Why am I bothering to tell you all of this shit? Simple - this stupid internet is neither new, nor novel. Just different than old media - same messages, same overall content. Yes, its the coveted "been there, done that" attitude. That's why I'm often brash, brazen, and callous. Because I can. And why not? You don't know me, you probably don't care to know me, I don't know you, and I don't care. It really is that simple. So when your reading my crap - be it insightful, irreverant, knoledgeable, bullshit, or whatever, keep this in mind: I'm not screaming at you - quite often, I'm laughing. I can be a really easy-going guy. I can be a complete and total asshole. I can be both at the same time. Just stop accusing me of being some hormone-saturated, angst-ridden, snot-nosed little whelp, because, damnit, I'm not. I am me, the same person I've always been, becuase I'm quite happy with who I am. And if you don't like who I am - you should seek professional help - because you've got some control issues you need worked out. If you don't care who I am, and are capable of reading my posts without going over the deep end, and can keep an open mind: welcome to the real world. |
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